Sunday, March 14, 2010

What goes around comes around...

Lies, lies, lies... nothing I hate more than a liar.

I was setup and blamed for a burglary, that's the fact. Although I'm sure he was watching the whole time I was there picking up MY STUFF and then conveniently called the Sheriffs office after I left.


  1. I hate the fact that this loser can even have a business that he could say someone stole from him! He is nothing but a thief and munipulator himself! How dare him make accusations from a truthful person like Carol!

  2. I worked for this joke and I busted my ass to help build his auction then he asks me if I'm on drugs oneday and well I quit because not everybody has to take drugs to get through their day. Now I hear he is telling people that I broke into one of his auctions and Floyd too you have got to be kidding me Paul don't flatter yourself you have nothing anybody wants. And you are not the amazing bussiness man you tell yourself you are you can't even pay people when you say you are going to, it will catch up to you. And I don't know why you think everyone is so scared of you your not intimidating at all your just a short guy with a bad attitude. If you are going to accuse me of something let me know personally I thought I quit on some what good term and now you have to talk shit. WOW
